Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello everyone! Hope you have had a good start to February. I was nominated for this award by the lovely : Mischief and Mjolnir. Thank you very much!


The Sunshine award is given to creative and positive and cheerful bloggers by other bloggers as a token of appreciation and admiration.


Here are the rules:

• Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to him/her.

• Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.

• Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.

• Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.

• List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post.


The 11 Questions I was asked:

  1. What is your dream job?

I would have to say I job where I was hugely helping people, so maybe working in the government to help climate change! But if I was speaking as a child, probably an actress.

2. What big thing would you love to do if you had the means?

Hmmmmm, that’s a hard one, I think honestly either just change a few things about the world; such as crime. but if I was doing something more small scale for myself then probably just going on a a big travel trip around the world with a couple of my friends!

3. If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

Firstly: more wishes! You have to be tactical! Secondly, really just for happiness and finally maybe for chocolate and cake to have the same health benefits as vegetables ahah!

4. If you had the opportunity to change the world, how would you do it?

Hmmm, I don’t know how I would do it but I honestly think climate change is such a big problem and if I could just magic it away then that would be what I would choose.

5.What would you do with a million dollars?

I know everyone will say this but I would donate a fair amount to charity, then probably buy a nice few things for myself, just like clothes and meals and things and then I would probably invest a little and save the rest.

6. What would you name your pet dragon?

Oooooo, good question hehehe! This is quite funny really but probably after a NBA player, I’m a big fan and some of their names are quite dragon-ish I guess hehe! Maybe Bam, or Giannas!

7) Would you rather time travel to the past or to the future? Why?

The future, simply because I really don’t think we could do much to change the past but it would be really intriguing to see what the future is like for us!

8) What word would your friends use to describe you?

Oh, I don’t really know! Probably: kind, understanding, weird, needy but loyal!

9) What’s your favorite candy?

I mean it really depends! I really love Murray mints but I prefer chocolate so if we are including chocolate then probably coconut lender truffles!

10) What’s your favorite song?

That is just too hard of a question!! Hmmm, it really depends on my mood! my favourite song at the moment: I would- Connie Talbot. However this will probably change in the next week or two to something completely different.

11) What are the greatest gifts God has given you this year?

Just the love of my family and friends!


My questions for my nominees:

  1. What is your favourite time of year?
  2. If you could change you name, what would you change it to?
  3. Your favourite piece of clothing at the moment?
  4. Last song you listened to?
  5. What is your dream holiday?
  6. What is the last thing that made you smile?
  7. If you could have dinner with any 2 people, dead or alive, who would they be?
  8. What are you looking forward to in 2020?
  9. Why did you start your blog?
  10. Worst habit?
  11. What are you grateful for?


My nominees:

  1. Disney inside blog
  2. Lizzie Florence
  3. Coffee and Cream
  4. Rebecca Rose
  5. The Blog that must not be named
  6. Life according to Jamie
  7. Marsybun

Im only going to nominate 7 x


Thank you for reading!!

Autumn Leaves and a Spring Breeze xoxo

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